Product Information
Affiliate Store Voucher
Purchase of this Affiliate Store Voucher (ASV) is like using cash as a Coupon in any of our affiliate stores. When you have purchased your credits here, by selecting a denomination in USDollars, your Order Number will be your coupon number.
How it works:
If you wish to have a coupon good for example for $20.00, then you simply add a quantity of 20 into your shopping cart. The base price of an ASV is $1.00, each you place in your cart ups the value by $1.00, to as much as you would like to have on the ASV.
Once your order has been processed, you will be notified per mail of its being paid in full, by our team. We will then in turn notify you per mail that the order number has been placed in our affiliate store's coupon system, where they can be used only once for any purchases you may wish to make. If there are any remaining funds after your purchase is made, then we will credit that to your affiliate account for future purchases via a new coupon.
These Affiliate Store Vouchers are not for use within in the PoserAddicts Store at this time, but only at our affiliate stores. However, you may wish to use a similar item, our Gift Certificate for gifts and presents to others.
If you need any assistance with these, please contact us via the Help option on the top menu of the store.