PoserAddicts is constantly growing, and if you are thinking about becoming a brokered artist, this page will give you some of the advantages and benefits of selling your products through our site.
PoserAddicts LLC is a leading supplier of Poser™ & 3D content. As such, we are actively seeking to expand our line of multi-themed products. Preference is given to merchants who can provide these items. So if you have a texture or themed product, clothing, morphs, figures, poses, lights, cameras, backgrounds or scenes we will be more than happy to talk with you.
Contacting Us by EMail
If you are interested in becoming a new merchant or selling your products via PoserAddicts, please drop us a line at Merchant@PoserAddicts.com.
Products & Looking to the Future of 3D
All products we sell are for use with Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser 8, Poser Pro, DAZStudio, Carrara 7+, Vue 8+, and all 3D Applications that use either 3DS or WaveFront Object forms.
Some "Legacy" products were originally created for use with Poser 4, and contain .RSR files instead of .PNG thumbnails, or contain .BUM files for use with Poser 4. All new products will conform to Poser 6 and above. .RSR and .BUM files are not required. And in Daz Studio 3x and Poser 8, RSR files will not display at all. Keeping this in mind, we are looking toward the future of 3D.
You will receive 60% of your product's sale price
Many other sites give merchants the standard 50% cut. We give 60% to all brokered-artists whether they are a best-seller regardless of product exclusivity.
Faster and Thorough Testing
Unlike larger sites, where your product can sit in a "product testing queue" from 7 to 30+ days (which is unacceptable!). Our goal is to test submitted products within 96 hours of receiving them. Because we are attempting to maintain a high-level of quality, if your product does not meet the criteria, you will receive a detailed EMails from our Beta-Testing System (MANTIS) listing the discrepancies and suggestions for corrections from our skilled Beta-Testing Team. We also provide you with our own Read-Me file generator to assist in the creation of a proper ReadMe.
Once your product is accepted, it will be added to the Store, and you can start making sales immediately.
Whether you have your own beta-testers or work with ours, your product should go online faster than at any other site.
Regardless whether your product has been tested at another marketplace site we will STILL check it. We have found that not all sites test as rigorously and we want to ensure our customers a high-quality, error-free product.
Additional Promo Images
In order to keep the site uniform and attractive our promo images are standardised.
Promo images are 600x600 pixels. Thumbnail images are 150x150 pixels. All images must be 72dpi, and be JPEG compressed for optimisation.
We allow merchants to upload as many sales images as they require in order to properly showcase their product. Artistic renders using the products are encouraged.
Unlike most marketplace sites, we do not limit our merchants to only 3 images. We ask that you follow our Guidelines for creating your promotional images.
Banner Images & Front Page Rotation Images
We allow each product to have it's own banner (optional) regardless of whether it's exclusive or not. Unlike some other site that limit the number of banners a merchant can have we do not set limits.
Header Rotation images are found on the main page of the store (1000x297 pixels).
Merchant Headers are used at the top of the Merchant's product store area, and allows the Merchant to show off their newest products. This image can be updated and reloaded as often as the merchant pleases. Allowing them another marketing tool to show off their products.
We have Photoshop PSD files available (as well as any required font types) on the Public Merchant FTP for your convenience.
Non-Exclusive Products
Exclusivity is not a requirement. You are free to sell your products elsewhere, however, exclusive products will have a higher payout per sale than the standard 60/40.
No Minimum Payments, No Holding
Unlike some other sites, which hold your payment until you reach $20.00 (or $50.00) for that month we do not hold your payment. All of our merchants are paid for their previous month's sales, whether it's $1.00 or $100.00. You have the option to set your own desired payout minimum.
We pay new merchants the money they are owed on the next pay date. For example, if you upload your first product in January and it makes a sale on January 30, you'll get your payment when we pay the merchants on February 10th. Payments are generally scheduled at the latest to be paid out in full by the 10th of the following selling month.
Minimum Pricing
Our minimum pricing is set at $5.00 which covers our bandwidth and administrative fees. We strongly encourage you to price your items above minimum. You may sell products under $5.00, however, all products sold under the minimum will be set at 50/50 instead of the usual 60/40. As the cost losses per sale increase the lower the selling price.
Please take into consideration the pricing of your product. Setting too low a price will create a trend of people expecting low prices for your products.
If you have questions about how to price your products, please feel free to contact us.
We do not take out "taxes"
We do not take "taxes" from foreign merchants as we are a European based site. (We are not responsible for collecting American taxes). Unlike other sites we do not tax our foreign merchants. If you are based in the US please be aware that you are responsible for taxes and filing the appropriate forms with your financial office.
Ninety (90) day listing requirement
Should you choose to sell your product with us, please note we reserve the right to continue to list the item on PoserAddicts LLC sites for a period of ninety (90) days after it is uploaded for sale. If you desire to remove your product after ninety (90) days, we will abide by your request. However, asking us to delete your product because you want to sell exclusively at another site is not a sufficient reason to remove your product.
Merchant Resources
We can provide low-cost exclusive resources and guidelines to help you better develop and promote your products. (This option is only available to our merchants.)
Product Forums
We provide message forums for merchants to talk about current projects and to discuss working with other merchants.
Beta Testing System
We have our own set of Beta Testers who are skilled in both Poser and Daz Studio, some in Vue and other 3D softwares.
We use an external software for the tracking and communication of our Merchants and Beta Testers to help you get your products out in the store quicker. We use MANTIS, a leading bug-testing software which has proven to be invaluable for the Beta Testing of our products, and is a great way for Merchant and assigned Beta Testers to shared detailed information about the products, fixes required etc, so that the product can be corrected, and store ready in short term. The ability to upload fixes directly in the reporting entries in MANTIS allow the Merchant to send fixed PZ2 files, or images with ease back and forth so that the tester can check the corrections immediately. EMail notification is sent every time your Beta Tester answers your beta testing reports.
Uploading of Beta testing items is done via a special FTP setup for Merchants & Beta-Testers to share product files, without the need for Administrative interaction or annoying software uploads which tend to break midstream. We decided to use the FTP method as our servers allow continuation of broken uploads and save the Merchants and Beta-Testers valuable time in getting a product to the store.
We provide the Merchants with the tools to prepare their products and to put the store license in, and are not ridiculously picky about your spelling or grammatical errors, however, we are particular that a product WORKS, and does NOT have serious errors in the files contained in the packaged product. Our Beta-Testers have guidelines as to what to look for and are tough on those who leave hard-coded paths, or make common errors in poses etc. Your products reflect how good PoserAddicts LLC is as a store, and we want you to be successful, and not be known as the merchant where you can bet on an update immediately after product release. We try to prevent that and hope we can do a great job for you.
To become a brokered merchant , you must complete a few steps. These steps only have to be done once.
You must create a merchant account at PoserAddicts, where your desired Merchant Name is your username. This is done on the front page of the PoserAddicts store. Simply click on the "Register as Merchant" option on the Members section on the left, and you will get a screen asking for your pertinent information. If you are a customer of PoserAddicts already, then you should login to that account first, and then click on the "Register as Merchant" option.

You must completely fill out the above form, making sure you include ALL information noted with an asterisk (*) on the right side of the field.
To complete the process you must enter the security code shown at the bottom. When all is filled out, then click on Submit & Continue.
The information asked for is standard. If for your country the fields showing an asterisk (*) don't have any proper information, then simply put "N/A" in the field for Not-Applicable. The Email address asked for is the one you wish to receive mailings and notifications from the system by. For each sale in your store an email is generated and sent to you. This email is NOT your PayPal payout mail address.
Under Merchant Details the "Admin Username" is your desired Merchant Name, that which the customers will know you by.
Make certain your Member Information is correct.
Make certain your EMail Address is a valid one for getting notifications.
Make sure your Admin Username and your desired Merchant Name are the same.
Once you have submitted your Merchant Registration, we ask you to email us at "Merchant (at) PoserAddicts (dot) com" and introduce yourself.
- Tell us your name, where you are from, and a little about yourself.
- Tell us a bit about your products, what you use to make them, what your future selling goals are.
- Tell us where we can pay you, meaning the PayPal Address we can send your payments to.
- Tell us if you are able to communicate via any Messenger software, such as "MSN Messenger", "Yahoo Messenger", "ICQ", "Skype", "AIM/AOL"
- Tell us if you are on DeviantArt, Facebook, Twitter or MySpace (we have store pages on there to help you market further)
PoserAddicts is a very friendly type of company, so we are willing to help you get your start too, if you need anything just ask or tell us.
Once we have received your introduction mail, we will setup your merchant account, give you a Merchant ID for your store, setup a Merchant Backend area for you to upload your products, images, descriptions etc. When all is setup, we will mail you your logins, access codes and FTPs etc, and you will only have to login separately to our Forums, and our Beta-Testing system to complete the process.
That's it! You are now a merchant and you are now ready to upload your first product.
Some marketplaces have upload forms that require you to upload a product in "parts" and the forms do not show you progress of your upload to their servers, hang or simply break in the middle. Then you have to email the site, tell them your product upload broke, and please delete it by hand, and then you go through the whole process again. This is seriously annoying and we won't put you through all that.
Once you have sent us your introduction letter and we have approved you, we will set up an FTP account where you can safely upload your products and promo images to us for testing/processing. You will receive the Login information to the FTP Space, with the name of your personal directory via your registered email address with us.
Our FTP server space is locked only to our merchants and the final products are loaded elsewhere after testing, and final approval. Once we have received EMail notice from you that a product has been uploaded for processing, we will immediately take it from the FTP and remove it, leaving only the directory with the product number so you know what the next open number is for your next product.
PoserAddicts II - is a PoserAddicts LLC company.