Image-Based Lighting and Spherical Panoramic Environments for Poser 7: LDR Light Sets, Environment Panorama Sphere prop and materials. Eleven efficient, versatile Image Based Light sets, plus matching Spherical Panoramic Environment Materials for the included Environment Panorama Sphere prop. The mesh, uvs, textures, and poser files are optimized for efficient setup, rendering and animation. The lighting and background simulates mornings, days, evenings, and nights at real and fantastic locations all over this world and beyond. Original mesh sphere prop UV mapped to take the included Poser7 material settings to match the custom lighting for your scene. Add realism and really put your models into the environment with the efficient, versatile combination of lighting and backdrop for your scenes. Setting the scene is quicker and better than ever. The environment may be used for any scenes requiring a dramatic vista, desert, countryside, canyon, or aerial environment. A couple of things are happening when you render with the spherical panoramas. First if you use a wide angle lens (15mm or so) your field of view will encompass more degrees of the sphere, and so give you more picture. When you zoom in, using say a portrait lens at 55mm, the portion of the background visible is much less, and when rendered to fill your image, it will appear less clear. Wider lenses are generally better when the focus is on the background. I mainly intend these backgrounds as starting points for scenes; placing terrain, trees, buildings, and other models in the scene will give some depth to the scene, while allowing the sky and distant hills to show through. Combined with the IBL lighting and good shaders you can get a lot of mileage from them with a little creativity. Adjusting the intensity of the IBL lights and the IBL Contrast and the intensity and color of the Sun Lights can give great effects too. If you really know your way around a shader setup, you can adjust the UV placement of the background texture on the sphere to include more of it and hence finer detail in your render. Alternately you can apply the background image to a flat plane or other shape and use that as a background. It is even possible to use it as the native background in Poser. For use in Poser 7.
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