Product Information
Channing's Beefcake for M4/H4 1+3 Combo
© 2009, Channing
Beefcake for M4/H4 One
Beefcake for M4/H4 One, the first of a three part series, explores the beauty of the male body in a setting reminiscent of North American physique magazines from the 1930s to the 1960s.
In most of these vintage physique magazines, the models wore a posing strap, essentially a men's g-string. The posing strap included with this set is a conforming figure for M4, and includes 41 body morphs for M4:
M4 Morphs++:
- BodyBuilder
- Bulk
- Definition
- Emaciated
- Heavy
- BeerBelly
- Thin
- SuperHero
- Young
- Jeremy
- TorsoThickness
- StomachDepth
- BellyThickness
- BellyThin
- WaistWidth
- HipsSize
- TummyOut
- GlutesSize
- ThighsThickness
M4 Enhanced:
- Muscular1
- Muscular2
- Muscular3
- LowerMuscular
- MuscleBulk
- SlimmerAnime
- SmootherBody
- BigBelly
- Waistline01
- Torso1
- Torso2
- Torso3
- Bulge
- TightEnd
- Thighs
- Mina01
- Mina02
- Mina03
- Mina04
Hiro Morphs:
- Hiro4
- Stylized
- Realistic
- Built
Due to the many body type variations and poses possible with M4, 14 adjustment morphs are also included to reposition the pouch and string to better fit to the current body shape and pose.
Additionally, the posing strap includes 18 Expansion morphs including wrinkles, string adjustment, pouch adjustment, and packages morphs to expand on the flexibility of this conforming figure.
Typically, the posing strap was a very simple fabric, and since most of the photos were in black and white, the posing straps appeared as shades of gray. However, Beefcake for M4 One includes 18 DS materials and 18 Poser MAT poses and 18 Poser Material files. Poser and DS files are optimized for each program.
Most beefcake photos used various props to tell a story or provide visual excitement to the image. Beefcake for M4/H4 One includes a posing dais (large block) prop with a drapery prop smart-propped to it. Each prop has 3 DS and Poser materials optimized for each program. Four light sets and three camera presets are included for both Poser and DS.
Finally, the set includes 25 poses for M4 in the vintage beefcake style, with a mixture of solo and with dais poses.
Beefcake for M4/H4 Three
Beefcake for M4/H4 Three, the third of a three part series, explores the beauty of the male body in a setting reminiscent of North American physique magazines from the 1930s to the 1960s.
Beefcake for M4/H4 Three includes textures for the M4/H4 Bodysuit for pairs of shorts. The Enhanced M4/H4 Bodysuit included in this product has been modified to automatically flatten out the seams, and add injection channels for users to create their own morphs, as well as three package injectable package morphs to make the Bodysuit look more realistic for a male figure. (NOTE: The Enhanced Bodysuit is RTEncoded for both MAC and PC users to protect Daz' copyrights on the M4/H4 Bodysuit figure.)
30 DS and Poser materials are included for a wide assortment of styles and colors of shorts.
Vintage Beefcake photos feature many different models with widely different bodytypes and faces. Included in Beefcake for M4 Three are 10 Head and 10 Body injections using Morphs++ only, and 10 Head and 10 Body injections using Morphs++ in combination with M4 Enhanced body and head morphs.
Beefcake photos often use props for posing. Beefcake for M4 Three includes a column and a staff or stick. Each comes with 3 DS and Poser materials to mix and match for your renders.
Additionally, Beefcake for M4 Three includes a complete Beefcake Studio scene with Poser/DS cameras and lights. There are three complete Poser and DS material settings for all included components of the scene.
Finally, the set includes 25 poses for M4 in the vintage beefcake style, with a mixture of solo and stick or pillar poses.
Product Requirements:
Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser Pro, or Daz Studio 2.3.x or above
Michael 4.0 (Daz3D)
Hiro 4.0 (Daz3D)
Michael 4.0 Morphs ++ (Daz3D)
M4 Bodysuit (Daz3D)
M4 Enhanced (PDXJims) (Daz3D) **(optional)