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We are proud to present our new piece for M4 / H4 and Guy 4
" M4 LumberZZ "
What you get here :
1 conform Longsleeve Shirt
1 conform Pair of Sleeves
10 different styles in pz2 and mc6 format.
divided in :
10 for the Sleeves
10 for LongSleeveShirt with a transmap in
10 default LongSleeve
Please take a look to the readme before you buy:
$3.00 |
Get some great Boots for M4 and H4
You will get
1 Left Boot cr2 / obj
1 Right Boot cr2 /obj
+ 4 Styles
Its an older Product and work with Poser PMD files to load Morphs in..
DAZ user have to use the free Plugin .
Dont forget to grab the great Addon for this ..done by Wayii
Those Styles will support Poser and Daz User.… |
$2.00 |
Get a conforming Harness and conforming Saddle for M4.
Enjoy !!
NewsFreebiesUpdatesandMore… |
Get the great NuMission Set for the little Kids 4 too
Converted with Crossdresser .
Only the Templates for Frock and Boots are different from the adult Package.
You will get a Frock,Shirt,Pants and Boots. and a Cap .
4 amazing Styles for all pieces.
Take a look to Wayiis Shop, she did a set for DAZ and Poser
Please take a look to the readme before you buy:
&n… |
$2.60 |
Get some funny new pants for your scifi or fantasy render " PegLegZZ V.1 " for M4 / H4 / Guy4
You will get a Pair of Boots , Pants with integrated PegLeg and a Sash. 4 Styles for the clothes and 2 for the pegleg
Posefiles that will help posing :
Leg hide/shown for M4
Foot pose for M4
Please take a look to the readme before you buy:
All these clothe… |
$2.48 |
With this product we will start a new ProductLine "NuMission" for M4 / H4 / Guy4
Outfit is based on a concept by Allen Forbes, aka VagabondAllen.
You will get a Frock,Jacket,Pants and Boots. 1 Style for all pieces
Please take a look to the readme before you buy:
All these clothes will support VagaBondAllens new Char which you can find in the Prod… |
$2.60 |
A new set modelled in greek style for all your V4 models.
This set will support V4, A4, G4 and Steph4
You can see the list of files in our readme
ReadMe here
What you need:
Poser 6UP or DAZ 2.3
What you get :
Conforming :
Dress cr2
Slippers cr2
Belt cr2
3 Materialstyles for each part of Clothes and 2 for the Colm
Posefile to Hide / Show Ha… |
$2.90 |
Get 4 sexy, leatherstyled and very unique conform pieces for M4 and Hiro4 .
Works with crosstalk in Poser6 UP and DAZ 2 . DAZ User may need to adjust materials.
All FBMs and PBMs can still be dialed in BodyPart and used for adjustment too.
You will get :
1 vest cr2 /obj
1 tie cr2 / obj
1 skirt cr2 / obj
1 cuff cr2 / obj
4 mats for each part of clothes and the templates.
$2.60 |
A new casual set is modelled for all of your slim models.
This set will support V4, A4, G4, GND4 by Blackhearted and Anja by Scooby37
See below Render for more info.
You can see the list of files in our readme
ReadMe here
Thanks for your interest in our products.
Happy Rendering !!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Free INJ S4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewsFreebiesUpdate… |
$3.00 |
Hello :-)
We are happy to present our first product for Kids 4
You will need the Kids4 by DAZ, Poser 6UP
Please see the readme if you are a Poser 5 or DAZ User for more info
Thanks for your interest in our products.
Happy Rendering !!
Karth and Whopper
ReadMe here
DAZ User:
You can download a INJ for Toddler Here..please see r… |
$4.00 |
… |
You need "Andromeda" by EI - Available Here at PoserAddicts
Notice please:
This is all done in Poser 6 and 7. So it will work in Poser 6UP .
Info for DAZ User :
I have open this in DAZ 3 Free Version.
It will work with Limitation, the
clothes may need adjustment in Bump and Light Setting.
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$4.00 |
Here you get some Boxershorts...they are a bit older..
We have update the Shapes a bit and change the textures so that we could use that now as freebie.
Paintings are from Karth*g*
They have a few funnys in and will fit M4,H4,Guy4 and Freak4 (scaleoff)
Have fun
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This Pack include all objectfiles in Wavefrontformat so it can be open in every other 3D Application.
All Objects were modelled to fit M4.
1 conform Devilcap with moveable horns.
6 smartprops parent to M4 Head
Head02(Headmask with Zipper) has a fit for Hiro 4 and some movement morphs...also a "Not on Head " Morph .
Use it if the figure has the prop in hand or it… |
$2.00 |
"M4 StraightJacket H4 Guy4 "
Take a further look to the Morphs.
All this is done in Poser . DAZ User may need to fix the style in Materialroom.No Dazfiles are in, but the Jacket has been testet in DAZ too.
As freebie we can give you an INJ for Freak4..but you need to disable the Freak Scale Off. And in some Posings the jacket need a lot of adjustement.
Rem… |
$3.00 |
You need M4 ... Hiro 4 or Guy 4 ... Poser 6UP ..DAZ User may need to fix Materials in Materialroom
Please see Images below.
Thanks for Looking !
For Questions, Input or whatever you need , visit us in the Poseraddicts Forum.
Have a great Render Day ... WhopNkar
One Morph more available at our new Blog as inj File with pmd
h… |
$2.00 |
V4 or M4 ...Poser 5UP...Daz User may need to work in the Material Room to fix textures
What you get :
1 Skirt M4 Cr2
1 Skirt V4 Cr2
1 obj
12 Matfiles for Skirts
5 Matfiles for belt metal
1 zero pose for V4 skirt
1 Zero pose for M4 skirt
1 Template for Skirt (1500x1500)
1 Template for Accessoires (1500 x 1500)
1 tutorial pdf
**************************************… |
$2.40 |
V4 or M4..optional there Morphs,A4/G4, Hiro4
You get :
3 Wristband Left V4 (cr2 / obj)
3 Wristband Right V4(cr2 / obj)
3 Wristband Left M4 (cr2 / obj)
3 Wristband Right M4 (cr2 / obj)
Description :
If you load first your figure the Wristbands will work with crosstalk.
You can still dial all morphs..if you dial to - the morphs will go to zero
Every Piece has a Wider … |
$2.40 |
© Karth Dec 2009
My First Try of some funny Jockies .
Default Morphs ++
Have Fun
NewsFreebiesUpdatesandMore… |
© Karth Dec 2009
This One was a Request..dont hesitate to go to the Poseraddicts Forum and post your wish.
BlindFolds for M4.
2 is with Bones in Straps
Many Morphs.
Usage Tips are always in the Parameter Window ..its easier to handle i think.
Have Fun
… |
© Karth 2009
1 conf.Vest, 1 conf. Panty, 1 MaskProp for M4 H4 G4
FBM and PBM in. Should work in Poser 6 UP. Please see the readme for more info.
Objects and templates are included.
Enjoy !!
All the Best
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Oct 2009 © Karth
M4 FlameBootz
A Request ;-)
Should work in Poser 6 UP .
Also for H4 and Guy 4
DazUser need to add own shaders.
Crosstalk is in, obj, template,free material by Mapps(FZ) ,
Pose to hide the flame and plate on the shoe.
Greets Karth
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Sept 2009 © Karth
M4 Helmet II
Another smartprop for M4 with a few morphs in and many materialzones for your shaders.
Objectfile included
Enjoy !
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M4 , optional M4Morphs, Hiro4 , Guy 4, Poser 6UP
This is a fantasy sexy Outfit for M4.
You will get :
1 Pants cr2 / obj with def FBM/PBM and many Fix and Funny Morphs ..some are for the package,for straps,for pants.
1 Boots cr2 / obj with FBM/PBM
1 Hat Prop pz2/obj
1 Straps prop for hang poses
1 Pants on Floor Prop
Templates, Posefiles and many Styles.
Matpose… |
$2.80 |
Free AsiaShirt ©Karth Nov 2009
Shirt for M4 H4 and Guy 4
Default FBM and PBMs
Crosstalking..still you can dial in BodyPart
A few Fix for the Pokes in Arm/Shldr/Chest Part
A few funnys like opening,inpants and frontup.
Templates are in.
Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks Wayii for that really great Texture Addon :-)
NewsFreebiesUpdatesa… |
More Chokiez
© 2009, WhopNKar
A high detailed Jewel Pack for V4 and A4.
The Package include : 5 Conform chokers,1 Long Midring L/R and 1 BoneArmcollar L/R to Vic 4 / A4.
And have the following FBM DAZ Morphs and Extras .
FBM Amazon, BodyBuilder,Bulk,Emaciated,Heavy,PearFigure
Aiko4 and a Fit Back Aiko4
Fit Morphs :
Wider X
The Bone Arm… |
$3.40 |
M4 Harness by Karth
© 2009
Update File Oct / 2009
Now with an INJ File to load the H4 and Guy 4 Morphs in.
Harness with 11 material zones for your own fun.
Also a few Hide pose included for easier use.
As this is a big file I have 1 CR2 with morphs and one without. NO texture files are included.
Have fun !
http://www.kar… |