20 Model Poses for Michael 3 Base and 20 mirror poses. 20 Model Poses for Michael 3 Muscular and 20 mirror poses. All in .pz2 files intended for DAZ and Poser use.
Set Limits to OFF. Michael 3 Base is required to apply Default pose pack, and Michael 3 Body Morphs are required to use the Muscular pose pack after applying the M3MuscularINJ file.…
20 Artistic Poses for Michael 4 and 20 mirror poses in .pz2 files intended for DAZ and Poser use.
20 of these poses are also available for M4 Muscular morph and its corresponding mirror pose. Use INJ file before using this additional pose pack.…
20 Model Poses 2 for Victoria 4.2 plus their mirror poses. Suited for her pictorials, magazine covers, spread and her career as a model. All files are in .pz2 files, intended for DAZ Studio and Poser.…
40 Model Poses for H4 Base and H4 Model in .pz2 files intended for DAZ and Poser.
Set Limits to OFF. Use Inj file before using the poses for H4 Model.…
20 Model Poses Set 3 and 20 mirror poses for Michael 4 Base for in .pz2 files for DAZ and Poser.
20 Model Poses and 20 mirror poses also available for Michael 4 Morph++ with Bodybuilder setting at 1.30
Use these poses with the limits set to OFF. Use Bodybuilder INJ file before using M4 Bodybuilder Tweaks.…
20 Model Poses Set 2 and 20 mirror poses for Michael 4 Base for in .pz2 files for DAZ and Poser.
20 Model Poses and 20 mirror poses also available for Michael 4 Morph++ with Bodybuilder setting at 1.30
Use these poses with the limits set to OFF. Use Bodybuilder INJ file before using M4 Bodybuilder Tweaks.…
20 Model Poses and 20 mirror poses for Michael 4 Base for in .pz2 files for DAZ and Poser.
20 Model Poses and 20 mirror poses also available for Michael 4 Morph++ with Bodybuilder setting at 1.30
Use these poses with the limits set to OFF. Use Bodybuilder INJ file before using M4 Bodybuilder Tweaks.…